LOVES PARK — A former factory worker, Darryl Lindberg never planned for a career in public service. Four decades later, he says he couldn't have imagined doing anything else.
Sunday will mark the end of 50 years of public service for the outgoing mayor, who served as a volunteer fire fighter, police officer and police chief for 18 years before being elected mayor ofLoves Park in 1997.
Lindberg coasted to re-election four times, and was challenged only once. Spats between council members and controversy were seldom seen during his tenure. The City with a Heart rarely had moments to raise one's blood pressure, but behind the scenes Lindberg had plenty of financial strife to wrestle with during the Great Recession. The city dealt with growing pension obligations it couldn't meet, and watched as its cash reserves began to dwindle. Enter, the utility tax — one of the mayor's most controversial decisions and one of only two instances in which he had to cast a tie breaking vote.
The utility tax on gas and electric usage was approved in 2010. Then, in 2014, the city approved a 1 percent sales tax for road and infrastructure improvements. These were painful decisions, but Lindberg backed them because he believed they were the only way for the city to continue to stay afloat without a property tax, which Loves Park has operated without since1978.
Looking back on his tenure as mayor, Lindberg had only one question: "Where did 20 years go?"
Early years
Lindberg, a Rockford native, graduated from East High School in 1963 and took a job at the Camcar factory before becoming a production control man at Barber-Coleman. He marriedCecilia Shatswell, of Loves Park, in 1965. They had two children: Steven and Karissa.Lindberg was a young newlywed with a good job when he decided to do something a little more exciting with his spare time. In 1967, he became a volunteer fire fighter.
"There was just something about the camaraderie," he said. "I used to get, not happy, but pretty excited when the alarm went off."
Over the years, those relationships grew outside the fi re department and into the police force. In1972, Lindberg was offered a job as a part-time police officer. With the idea of a promising retirement plan and the ability to work outdoors interacting with the community, Lindberg quit his job at Barber-Coleman and joined the police force full time in 1975. A patrolman for two years, Lindberg was later made a detective, one of only two on the force.
"There were very difficult times," Lindberg said. "Homicides were few and far between, but they did occur. I worked a lot of child abuse cases, and those were tough, you know, because I had young kids."
The toughest challenge came for Lindberg when he was off the clock. In 1976, his wife was killed by a drunken driver in a crash that injured his son, who recovered quickly, and severely injured his daughter, who spent weeks in the hospital.
Lindberg's parents moved in to help with the children, while his fellow police officers helped pick up the slack at work, allowing Lindberg to be available to help his daughter make a full recovery. A few years later Lindberg met Judy Wagner. The two will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary next year.
Lindberg said his wife made sure the stress of police work didn't turn into stress at home.
"A lot of times when I was working nights, or I'd get called out in the middle of the night, I tried not to let it affect our family relationship," he said. "I think (Judy) worked hard to make sure the kids knew and understood that."
Just five months after the two were married, the police chief was let go, and the young detective threw his hat in the ring for the job.
"I met with Mayor (Joe) Sinkiawic, and said, I'm going to apply for the job," Lindberg said."And I said, if you give me a chance, I know I'm young but give me a chance. In six months, if you think that I'm not the guy, there's no hard feelings. I'll go back to being a detective and enjoy my career."
Lindberg was appointed acting police chief in July 1978 and sworn in to officially hold the job the following September.
Darryl Lindberg, 1980 [RRSTAR.COM FILE PHOTO]
From policeman to politician
As police chief, Lindberg oversaw the computerization of the department and creation of theK-9 unit and launch of the DARE program, which he enjoyed as a chance to interact with the community. Lindberg's relationship with Sinkiawic grew stronger over time.
"He didn't micromanage me, but I would come over and see him periodically," Lindberg said."I was very lucky because I think he trusted me."
Sinkiawic ultimately would trust Lindberg with running the city. With Sinkiawic's endorsement, Lindberg ran for mayor in 1997 against alderman Tiry Smith, also a longtime Sinkiawic friend.
"He was in a bit of a bind at the time because the person that ran against me was an alderman, so that caused a bit of a rift, which I felt terrible about," Lindberg said. "But I was very grateful for his support."
Lindberg enjoyed smooth sailing during his first two terms, but the city was not immune to the Great Recession. In order to survive, the city curtailed spending, lessened its contributions to the police pension fund and lived off of its cash reserves. The city also took out a $1 million line of credit with a local bank in case of an emergency.
"In one way it was a good thing because it forced us to look inward and make sure that we were making best use of our employees," he said.
With no property tax, the city instituted a 5 percent utility tax in 2010 in order to create a revenue stream — a move Lindberg said was tough, but a lifesaver. Going into City Council that night Lindberg had no idea he would cast the tie breaking vote.
"It was a little disappointing to me because I thought I had the votes, and nobody had said anything against it," he said. "Lo and behold, five of the alderman voted no."
"So I voted for it, which is never a popular thing to do when you're mayor, to vote for a tax.But I did because I knew it was critical."
The only other time in Lindberg's 20-year tenure as mayor that he had to break a tie involved a prank orchestrated by his council.
Each year, the City Council votes to allow a truck containing fresh seafood to set up on NorthSecond Street. Knowing about Lindberg's shell fish allergy, his council set up a tie vote.
"So here comes the vote; I'm just sitting there running the meeting. And I'm like, did I miss something? The guy's just selling lobster," Lindberg said. "It was kind of funny; we all laughed, I voted yes for it."
I'm proud to say we just don't have a lot of controversy out here. That's how you get things done.
Mayor Darryl Lindberg
Throughout his tenure Lindberg has dealt with a variety of alderman, most of whom he says he maintains good relationships with even in the midst of any disagreements. He credits the city's progress to open, two-way communication.
"I'm proud to say we just don't have a lot of controversy out here," he said. "That's how you get things done."
City Clerk Bob Burden, who was sworn in in 1997 along with Lindberg, said being a part of his team was an easy task because of the way Lindberg led.
"He set a tone with the employees that we all work together and we all got along," Burden said.
"He always seemed to know what to do. In any kind of crisis or serious problem, he was the calmest head in the room. He was the definition of a leader."
Looking ahead
As for a legacy, Lindberg isn't sure what his would be other than leaving the city in good shape.
"That's the best legacy that I could probably wish for," he said. "You always want to leave better than you came in."
On Sunday, Lindberg will pass the torch to former alderman Greg Jury.
"I've got some big shoes to fi ll," Jury said. "But he has developed such a great staff and made this transition so seamless for me. It's been great to learn from him."
In the coming months Lindberg and his wife will be traveling for leisure and to visit with their grandkids, three of whom are Texas. The other three live in Roscoe.
Judy will continue her job as a bookkeeper at Rock River Service Co., but in September the two will take a 12-day cruise to the coast of Italy. Until then, between occasional rounds of golf, Lindberg will be practicing a skill he lost since taking office.
"I start guitar lessons next week," he said. "Years and years ago I took guitar lessons, just for fun, and I forgot everything I learned. So that will be fun."
Kayli Plotner: 815-987-1391;; @kayplot